Building Community

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Earlier this month, our Jr. High students, with the support of many of our school staff, performed a very successful fine arts production called Cursed Through Time.  I have always enjoyed being part of a production, and I was excited to be the production manager, even though I didn’t know what a production manager did.  The experience did not disappoint.  Seeing the many talents of our student was amazing, and I often had to remind myself that Cursed Through Time was a Jr. High production.  Also, I witnessed how our staff shared their time and talents with the students.  I need to thank all the staff involved, but especially Miss Barr for sharing her many gifts as Director, and many other roles, of our play.  Thank you, everyone, for all you did.

CTT bowThe spring production is a terrific fine arts experience for our students, but I also see it as a tremendous community builder.  The spring production is for our Junior High students, and our whole community comes together to support this event.  Staff from division one, two, and three all get involved.  Our division two and three students were able to view the matinees.  Doing a variety of fine arts activities together, teambuilding tasks, and merely spending countless hours together builds a strong sense community among all the participants.  As we look to the future, we are already starting to plan for next year.

Building community in our educational system is essential.  Without community, we can’t build the system our students deserve and need.  Without community, we become individuals on a mission of self-learning.  As a community, we become a team dedicated to helping everyone learn.  Although the spring production had a curricular base, the students did not learn a lot of curricular objectives.  Instead, they learned and practiced a lot of skills that they need as successful learners in a community.  Some of these were:

  • Sharing Our Bounty: students were able to share their 3Ts of time, treasure, and talents;
  • Enjoy life: whether it was time on-stage or work off-stage, or just spending some time with a friend.  Enjoy life!
  • Be confident: some people love a stage to perform, others prefer to assist backstage.  No matter which role, seize the moment.  We all have gifts.  Find them and use them;
  • Be adaptive: you can try new things, like writing a play, singing a song, or managing a stage;
  • Take a risk: be a risk taker.  You may try new things.  You may fail, but if you have the proper supports, you will learn from your mistakes.  Fail forward;
  • Value diversity: we are all unique; we are all special.  We value the many gifts and perspectives of the people around us;
  • Lend a helping hand: help your friend, your neighbour, or even an enemy.  Be helpful and kind;
  • Collaborate: work together to solve a problem.  Collaboration can be a lot of work, but the reward is immense. Students are aware we are on our life journey together.  Life is not a solo mission;
  • Be creative: sometimes it is a good idea to put a lampshade on your head;
  • Time management: sometimes we can go at our own pace, but the show must go on, and it needs to go off on time. Following a tight schedule can sometimes be helpful;
  • Enjoy the moments: enjoy life.  The anticipation before the play, the quiet moments during the performance, the loud moments afterwards, and the sense of accomplishment during the bow;

This short, incomplete, list illustrates that community building projects, like our spring production, serve an educational purpose.  More importantly, they build the foundation of a community from where learning will grow.  The better the community, the better the foundation, the better the learning environment.

Respectfully yours,

Greg Kostiuk

Please Vote!


On Tuesday, April 16 we are having a provincial election.  This election is very important.  It is not my intention or role as a principal to support any political party during an election.  I simply ask everyone to become informed and, most importantly, to vote!

Get informed.  Holy Spirit Catholic Schools, Lethbridge Public Schools and our ATA Locals are hosting an All Candidates forum on Tuesday, April 2 at Chinook High School starting at 6:30 p.m.

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To Vote – Here is a link about where you vote and gather other election information

AB Elections

For some of you, our school will be a polling station.  Therefore, when you come to school to drop off or pick up your child, you may be able to vote.  Polling stations are open from 9 am to 8 pm.  Please get informed and please vote!

Respectfully yours,

Greg Kostiuk

April Message

Stations of the Cross

During the Easter Week, we focus on the Passion of Christ’s last days; many of us reflect and pray the Stations of the Cross (Traditional or Scriptural versions).  Sometimes we forget about the most important part of Easter, the Resurrection.  After Easter, I sometimes pray the Stations of the Resurrection.  I’ve always been interested in history.  This interest includes the historical Christ.  I think that is why I enjoy praying either version of the Stations of the Cross.  These stations ground me in my faith; they are tangible proof of the historical Christ.  Although this helps me with the foundations of my beliefs, I must focus on the Divinity of Christ.  I find praying the Stations of the Resurrection is an excellent way to do this.

Stations of the Cross – Traditional                                                (Events of Christ – Easter Week) Stations of the Cross – Scriptural                             (Events of Christ – Easter Week, based on Scripture) St. John Paul Stations of the Resurrection                                  (Events of Christ between Easter & Pentecost)
1.       Pilate condemns Jesus to die

2.       Jesus accepts his cross

3.       Jesus falls for the first time

4.       Jesus meets his mother, Mary

5.       Simon helps carry the cross

6.       Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

7.       Jesus falls for the second time

8.       Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

9.       Jesus falls for the third time

10.    Jesus is stripped of his clothes

11.    Jesus is nailed to the cross

12.    Jesus dies on the cross

13.    Jesus is taken down from the cross

14.    Jesus is placed in the tomb


1.     Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane

2.     Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested

3.     Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin

4.     Jesus is denied by Peter

5.     Jesus is judged by Pontius Pilate

6.     Jesus is scourged at the pillar and crowned with thorns

7.     Jesus bears the cross

8.     Jesus is helped by Simon the Cyrenian to carry the cross

9.     Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem

10.  Jesus is crucified

11.  Jesus promises His Kingdom to the repentant thief

12.  Jesus speaks to His mother and the Beloved Disciple

13.  Jesus dies on the cross

14.  Jesus is placed in the tomb

1.    Jesus rises from the dead

2.    The finding of the empty tomb

3.    The Risen Lord appears to Mary Magdalene

4.    Jesus appears on the road to Emmaus

5.    Jesus is known at the Breaking of Bread

6.    Jesus appears to His disciples in Jerusalem

7.    Jesus gives the disciples the power to forgive sins

8.    Jesus strengthens the faith of Thomas

9.    Jesus appears by the Sea of Tiberias

10. Jesus tells Peter to feed His sheep (Primacy of Peter)

11. Jesus commissions the disciples on the mountain

12. Jesus ascends into heaven

13. Mary and the disciples wait in prayer

14. The Holy Spirit descends at Pentecost

As we finish our Lenten journey this year, I ask you to remember and pray for the historical Christ.  Also, do not forget about the Divine Christ, and please consider reflecting, praying, and celebrating the Stations of the Resurrection after Easter Sunday.

Lenten/Easter blessings on behalf of the staff,

Greg Kostiuk