Catholic Education Sunday 2020

This Sunday, November 8th, we celebrate Catholic Education Sunday in Alberta.  This year the theme of Catholic Education Sunday is “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:32).  Here is a video from The Archbishop of Edmonton:

Also, here is an excerpt from the letter from the Bishops of Alberta and NWT:

The pandemic continues to have a deep impact on every facet of our society, including the Catholic Education of our young people. During the shut-down of schools in the spring, Catholic Education faced this challenge by providing virtual classrooms, which continued to engage students in their academic learning and religious faith instruction. When the schools reopened in the fall, many new practices were put in place to adhere to the health precautions and to ensure student safety. In the midst of these challenges, Catholic Education has been embracing the call for renewal and inviting students and their families to look to the future with hope.

Here is the full letter from the Bishops of Alberta and NWT:

Click to access 2020_10_16_alberta-bishops-catholic-education-sunday-letter-2020-1.pdf

Let us work together, united in prayer and being grateful for Catholic education, to continue to make Father Leonard Van Tighem School a Christ-centred learning community.

Have a blessed weekend,

Greg Kostiuk

Our Report Card

During the last School Council, we shared our Alberta Education Accountability Report Card with parents.   Our school continues to be a very positive learning environment for our students.  This table summarizes our results:

Oct 2019 summary school.PNG

Our report was very positive.  We received an ‘Excellent’ rating in the following categories of Safe and Caring, Program of Studies, Education Quality, Drop Out Rate, Citizenship, Parental Involvement, and School Improvement.  We were slightly below in Work Preparation, but this was mainly due to the number of ‘don’t know’ responses.  Our Provincial Achievement Tests ‘Acceptable’ rating was above the provincial average, and our ‘Excellence’ rating improved dramatically.

Thank you to all the students, staff, and parents that make Father Leonard Van Tighem a wonderful place to learn.

Greg Kostiuk